Busy at work, but very productive and it went by quickly (love when that happens)!
The weather had its ups and downs, but overall it was warmer and sunny at least a little bit each day--it's funny how I'm happy when it reaches 70 degrees and it's MID-MAY! I should be complaining about how ungodly hot it is by now; but I guess I should shut up and appreciate the unseasonable weather. :)
The Family got cancelled. :( Just as it was getting good, too! I have hope that Hulu picks it up, but unfortunately too many good shows have been cancelled within the last year and they can't all be saved. (RIP Backstrom, wahhhhh.)
I'm sorry, it seems like all the pictures on this blog are memes.
BUT, Blindspot is KILLING IT. One of the smartest, most engaging shows I've ever watched--and I've watched a lot of great shows. I can't wait to see what season 2 brings us! If you missed the season finale, DROP EVERYTHING AND WATCH RIGHT NOW.
If you're a serial snooze-button-overuser/lazyass like me, I would recommend trying this "life hack" I saw on one of Amelia Liana's videos. She showed that she sets her alarms 2 minutes apart so she doesn't fall back asleep for too long between each snooze. Even though I got an iPhone a few months ago, I still use my old Android phone as my alarm clock because I love the alarm clock app I use (Alarm Clock Extreme Free). The reason I love it is because I have to solve a math problem (very easy addition or subtraction because I can't think in the morning) to turn off the alarm. ANYHOW, I set the snooze to 4 minutes apart instead of 10 like I had before. I am going to try to do 3 minutes, then 2 minutes to really get my butt moving. I've even been waking up early enough to do my makeup leisurely! Life changing!!!
I've been itching to shop a little bit lately and have been falling into old habits of filling my online shopping cart with the stuff I want; searching for things I haven't heard of or tried before. But I've been mixing it up and after filling my basket with all sorts of random stuff, I go through each item and think to myself why I don't need it. I chuckle to myself about my impulsiveness and move on to something more productive.

This sums it up.
If you want to see what else I've been up to this week, check out my vlog :) I'm going to have a separate vlog for this weekend because I'm going on a weekend trip and will hopefully have more exciting things to share with you than normal! ;)
Thanks for reading. I hope you had a fantastic week, and an awesome weekend!
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