Thursday, May 19, 2016

My Cleansing Routines

I try not to think of myself as a high-maintenance person, and I don't think I am in general, but when it comes to skin care... boy, am I needy. I love skin care, as I'm sure you know if you watch my videos, but we will dive deeper into my infatuation throughout future blog posts.

For today, I wanted to chat about cleansing!

Cleansing may not be the most exciting part of skin care to me, but I also find it to be one of the most refreshing and relaxing parts of my routine.

Now, I told you I was high-maintenance when it came to skin care, and you will soon see why. I have specific types of cleansers I like for the different times I'm washing my face. Because I have different needs for my various cleansing routines, I typically am working on a few cleansers at once and they all serve different purposes for me and my skin.

The cleansers I'm currently using

Here are my four cleansing routines and the products I love best for each one:

Morning cleanse:
Take off any sweat or dirt my face collected over the night (ew)

Typically a light balm, oil, or cream
Easy to rinse off and doesn't leave a residue

Tatcha One Step Camellia Oil Cleanser

First cleanse at night:
Remove makeup, sunscreen, dirt, etc. from the day

Oil or balm (9 times out of 10, I use an oil)
Always something inexpensive, but effective (Why waste my expensive oil cleansers on makeup removal?!)

The Body Shop Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil
Clinique Take The Day Off Balm

Second cleanse at night:
Now that the makeup is off my face, it's time to actually clean my skin

Balm, oil, or cream
Typically a nicer, more expensive product

Omorovicza Thermal Cleansing Balm

Shower cleanse:
Deeply clean my face, neck, and chest

Gel or liquid (I've been getting away from foaming cleansers, but this is the only step I may use one, especially since I keep my Clarisonic in the shower)

First Aid Beauty Deep Cleanser with Red Clay
Elemis Tri-Enzyme Resurfacing Facial Wash

*Note: When I shower at night, I do my 1st cleanse before getting into the shower to remove my makeup. (Sometimes I forget and come out looking like a raccoon/goth kid with my mascara running down my face.)
Also, I typically only wash my face in the shower once or twice per week. I have recently started to wash my face with my 2nd cleanse products after getting out of the shower because I don't like to use foaming cleansers too often.

I hope this was a fun and informative post for you guys! I'm really excited to get into more detail about skin care on my blog than I typically do in my videos.

Do you have multiple cleansing routines like me, or do you use the same cleanser or two for all of your cleansing needs?


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